4success Ltd

Professional Web site design and development

Terra Nova Consultancy

Terra Nova Consultancy: A business immigration consultancy firm approached 4success in August 2006 to have its website redesigned to meet the following requirements:

  • Better design and layout
  • Improved site visitor experience
  • Easier content changing by site owner
  • Simplify site visitors' ablity to "take action"
  • Increase customer response from site visitors
  • Improve ablity for visitors to find relevant information
  • Minimal budget impact
  • Short implementation time-frame

4success addressed these issues by proposing a solution based upon a content management system (Joomla), as it immediately provided the following benefits:
  • Low-cost basis
  • Allowed content management options for site owner without investing in new software. All content changes are carried out via a web browser.
  • Implementation of database-controlled content.
  • A powerful search module for all content.

Using Joomla as a basis, we produced an appealing design that was in keeping with TNCs existing branding. We then re-structured the layout, content and navigation, which made location of relevant information much easier.

Downloadable PDF application forms were replaced with online forms, which simplified the input of data by clients and made it easier for them to take the first step.

Overall, the results have been pleasing and effective for TNC, resulting in an increase in immigration enquiries and an overall increase in contacts from potential clients.


4success Ltd has added the "Joomla" Content Management System (CMS) support to it's list of web services. Read more about this....
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