4success Ltd

Professional Web site design and development


Here at 4success we get many questions related to building and integrating a web site into a business. Some of it based upon half truths and misconceptions. The following articles aim to clarify aspects of running a web site and help business owners make the most of their internet solution.

Another Directory to watch out for

It seems another directory service has arisen with questionable ethics.

If you get approached by "Google Directory" take a little time to do some research before paying your hard earned money:

From Stuff

From Dodgy Business

From Whaleoil

From NZ Herald

Warning - directory listing scam

Quick buckWe were recently notified by a potential scam involving a New Zealand based directory service which we feel is important enough to make people aware of.

Remember "Buyer Beware"

Read more: Warning - directory listing scam

Ecommerce (payment options)

One area of ecommerce where we get many questions is the area of accepting payments for on line orders. Here we have out lined some of the different options for payments and their pros and cons.

Read more: Ecommerce (payment options)

Website activity analysis

Website activity analysis is the monitoring of visitor activity to a website with the aim of determining what aspects of a website work towards the business objectives. Most web servers provide logs or reports which provide data or information related to visitor activity on a web site. At 4success we provide reports on all our hosted sites.

Read more: Website activity analysis

10 Web site Do nots!

There are a number of things a web site owner should not do if their site is to be successful. The following are some of the more important ones.

Read more: 10 Web site Do nots!

10 important web site Dos.

The following are 10 important things that a web site owner should do with regards to running a web site as part of their business. 

Read more: 10 important web site Dos.

Myths and Legends

There are many myths and legends associated with web sites, here we hope to dispel the worst of these and point site owners in a direction which will allow them to generate the most out of their web sites.

Read more: Myths and Legends

Web site promotion

If a web site owner wants visitors to their site so that they can avail themselves of the products or services on offer. They need to let potential visitors know that the site is available and what it has to offer. SEO is only part of the story, the following article will provide a number of possible promotion options which will help generate traffic to the site and thereby increase the opportunity to sell to visitors.

Read more: Web site promotion

Quick guide to Search Engine Optimisation SEO

Search Engine Optimisation "SEO" is the activity required to prepare a site for submission to search engines and directory services and ensuring the site is prepared in a manner that allows it to get the best ranking where possible in search result returns.

The following provides a quick overview of some aspects of SEO.

Read more: Quick guide to Search Engine Optimisation SEO

Preventing On line Fraud

Running an On Line store like any other business requires attention to fraud. The following article aims to provide the on line store owner with information to allow them to produce policies and procedures which will reduce the likelihood of fraud and ensure profitability is maximised.

Read more: Preventing On line Fraud


4success Ltd has added the "Joomla" Content Management System (CMS) support to it's list of web services. Read more about this....
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